What to Expect

What to Expect


What is worship like? We follow a traditional liturgical Lutheran order of Divine Service that includes Confession and Forgiveness, the reading of Psalms and Old Testament, Epistle, and Gospel Readings, Prayers, Hymns, Sermon, a confessional statement (Apostles' or Nicene Creed), Offering, and the Lord's Supper. Our Divine worship service focuses on God in Christ - His service to us and our response to Him. As those who believe in one God in three Persons (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) we join in prayer, praise, and thanksgiving for the God of all creation who sent His Son to us to reclaim those lost in sin. Our worship has been wonderfully constructed over centuries to reflect God's holiness and love for His creation and our response as those who have been saved from eternal damnation by the Blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.  

How do people dress? Some dress casually. Others dress more formally. It's really up to youWe're here to honor and worship God and receive the blessings and benefits that come to us through His Word and Sacraments. That said, we have great respect for Christ's Church and especially His presence among us at worship. Out of respect, we are reverent in our dress and behavior. 

What about my children? We love children and would do nothing to discourage their attendance at worship and encourage children to be with their families during the service. "Let the children come to me." Jesus said. "for to such belongs the kingdom of God." (Luke 18:16)

May I receive Holy Communion? If you have not been instructed in the Lord's Supper, are in doubt about what you believe, or hold a confession different than our church, you are asked to speak to the Pastor before the service. We want you to be prepared to receive the Body and  Blood of Christ in a manner worthy of Christ, as the Bible teaches. We commune not only as individuals, but also as people who share the same confession of faith. God has given to Christian congregations the responsibility of administering the Lord's Supper and to exercise spiritual care over all those who desire it.

This, of course, means that a congregation has the responsibility to do what it can to help people understand the nature of the Sacrament and why they come to it. Pastors and congregations work to honor and uphold the the Biblical teaches of communion which includes the communing of individuals from other churches in certain circumstances.

How can I get connected? Great question! Call us with any questions or comments you have. If no one is able to answer the office phone, either leave a message, or call the pastor's cell phone. You can also use email and find us on Facebook at Christ the King Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

What's the music like? We have a very accomplished musician who plays both the organ and piano. 

Where do I park? Right in front of the church building would be fine. Handicapped parking is available.

